Sunday, October 9, 2011

The last post was in August. Too long ago.
I cannot keep up with a blog, because there are always
too many things to write about.
Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iran, India - these are one my mind,
almost constantly.
Assignments have fallen by the wayside.
Preparing two sermons on "looking after widows and orphans" (James)
is destroying me
because I want to talk about Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iran, India,
but I know that I cannot, because no-one can bear to hear about those people,
those places.
To have to listen to the data
either destroys
I do not want to bore the youth group.
I do not want for them to be as destroyed
as I am about the data,
about the way we've bought in to
the domination and oppression of the America dream
and the havoc it is playing
in Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iran and India.
You cannot talk about such things.
I looked around the other night,
and felt immensely lonely,
because it felt like I have cancer or HIV
(reading Noam Chomsky infected me)
and to tell people that,
to draw them into the sadness and the desperation of that
is cruel and difficult and immensely awkward
and so you just end up dying alone.
I feel Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iran, India dying
dying inside me
like some cancer.
That is something you do not want to share.

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